Thursday, February 27, 2025

General Hospital Full Episode Recap - Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025

Josslyn Goes Undercover, Jason Gets Framed, and Drew’s a Liar

On Wednesday’s General Hospital, Josslyn signs up for the double life of a spy, Jason insists he didn’t take out Cyrus (but let’s be real, someone sure did), and Drew makes an Olympic-worthy attempt at mental gymnastics. Meanwhile, Carly is on a warpath, Brook Lynn has second thoughts, and Tracy makes her pettiness official with legal paperwork. GH fans, this one's a doozy.

Drew Lies Like It’s His Full-Time Job

Drew lies | ABC

Drew is out here playing the "deny, deny, deny" game when ADA Turner grills him about Jason’s whereabouts during Cyrus’ mysterious vanishing act. Apparently, lying through his teeth is Drew’s new hobby, because he swears up and down that Jason wasn’t with him. Carly, never one to let nonsense slide, demands that he stop acting like a fool and do the right thing. Drew, however, sticks to his ridiculous story, claiming Jason is out to smear his good name. Justice will prevail, he insists—just not today. Meanwhile, Willow is deep in her "stand by your man" phase, defending Drew with a level of devotion that has Carly questioning her sanity.

Jason’s In Trouble, But Diane’s Got This

Over at the police station, Jason tells Diane the truth—he didn’t kill Cyrus, but someone’s sure working overtime to make it look like he did. Jason, of course, made the rookie mistake of publicly threatening Cyrus, which made him an easy target. Diane is on the case, though, and she’s ready to rip apart the so-called "evidence" like it’s a contract negotiation with the devil. Meanwhile, Anna is sidelined from the investigation because apparently, being competent and having integrity is a conflict of interest in Port Charles. Carly demands that she find something to clear Jason, but Anna, now a mere civilian in this mess, can only do so much.

Josslyn Joins the WSB Because Why Not?

Joss: from college to spy

Josslyn is about to embark on the most ridiculous career pivot in
General Hospital history—going from college student to full-fledged spy. Jack, ever the master manipulator, tells her that she’s got no choice since he covered up her murder of Cyrus. (What a charming recruitment process.) She insists she’s not a killer, but Jack assures her that as a college student, she’s got access to all the places the WSB needs eyes on. What starts as a coercion tactic turns into a genuine offer—one that Josslyn hesitates over for about five seconds before deciding she’s in. Just like that, she’s off to a new life of espionage. No pressure.

Tracy vs. Drew: The Name Game

Tracy is over Drew

Tracy has finally had enough of Drew and decides to make it official—she’s stripping him of the Quartermaine name. A judge actually signed off on this, proving once and for all that pettiness can, in fact, be legally binding. Drew, of course, takes this about as well as expected (which is to say, not well at all), while Tracy doubles down, insisting that Alan’s legacy needs protecting. Gio, however, is not here for the drama, arguing that family is family, even if you don’t like them. Tracy, in peak Tracy fashion, informs Gio that he’s not a Quartermaine and therefore has zero say. Brutal.

Brook Lynn’s Baby Dilemma

Over in baby drama, Chase floats the idea of asking Finn to be their sperm donor so he and Brook Lynn can have the child they both want. Brook Lynn is immediately hit with the "uh, absolutely not" realization, questioning how messy this could get. She reflects on the disaster that was the Davis sisters’ surrogacy situation and decides this might not be the best move. Later, she confides in Lois, making it clear that this is not an easy decision.

Carly Vs. The ADA: Round One

ADA Turner refuses to let Carly visit Jason, which is obviously unacceptable in Carly’s world. She tries to argue that there’s no proof Cyrus is even dead, but Turner is unfazed. Apparently, they’re totally fine convicting Jason without a body, because, well, Port Charles legal logic. Carly fumes, but Turner reminds her that Jason himself said no one would ever find Cyrus’ body. Oops.

Anna Is on the Hunt

Anna, despite being sidelined, is determined to uncover who actually killed Cyrus and why Jason is being set up. She’s convinced this was done by a pro and that whoever framed Jason isn’t finished yet. If they were willing to go this far, they won’t stop now. Carly, however, is just thrilled that Diane is about to get Jason out of this mess, because at this point, she couldn’t care less who actually took out Cyrus—as long as Jason isn’t taking the fall.

Final Thoughts

So, to recap this episode of GH: Josslyn is now a spy, Jason is being framed but is staying cool as always, Drew is lying so hard it’s almost impressive, and Tracy is legally erasing him from the Quartermaine dynasty. Carly, as expected, is on the warpath, while Brook Lynn has some serious baby decisions to make. Meanwhile, Anna is out to find the real killer before Jason gets dragged down for good. Port Charles has zero chill right now, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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